LSTs (Learning Support teachers) at LSRCSS offer a variety of academic supports rooted in inclusion, differentiated instruction, and universal design. LSTs coordinate services in the following ways:
- work with classroom teachers to address the diverse learning needs of students by gathering and sharing information, modelling strategies, co-teaching, and supporting the planning for and implementation of appropriate educational programming.
- liaison and advocate for students with parents/teachers/outside agencies.
- refer students to divisional clinicians and outside agencies: school psychology, social work, speech and language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, community mental health, AFM, etc.
- provide additional supports during assigned resource periods
Learning Support at LSRCSS offer a variety of academic supports rooted in inclusion, differentiated instruction, and universal design. LSTs (learning support teachers) coordinate services in the following ways:
- work with classroom teachers to address the diverse learning needs of students by gathering and sharing information, modelling strategies, co-teaching, and supporting the planning for and implementation of appropriate educational programming.
- liaison and advocate for students with parents/teachers/outside agencies.
- refer students to divisional clinicians and outside agencies: school psychology, social work, speech and language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, community mental health, AFM, etc.
- provide additional supports during assigned resource periods
Need help at home? There are a variety of local community resource options.
Below are some helpful educational links to support learning at home:
- https://www.raz-kids.com/ (free 30-day trial)
- https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/blog/kids-and-family-workouts-collection (14-day trial)
- https://www.gonoodle.com/good-energy-at-home-kids-games-and-videos/
- https://theautismeducator.ie/2020/03/11/corona-virus-social-story/
- https://www.brainpop.com/health/diseasesinjuriesandconditions/coronavirus/